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Home Schooling

Australian Christian Home Schooling

CEM has operated Australian Christian Home Schooling (ACHS) since 2004. ACHS is the oldest and largest provider of home schooling support in Australia.

Many parents are unaware of the differences between regular school, distance education and home school. When home schooling, the parent accepts responsibility for planning, implementing and evaluating all aspects of their child’s learning program as outlined in this table.

Australian home schooled boy completing work with laptop at table with mother supervising
  • Regular School

  • Distance Education

  • Home School

  • Do I have to register with the government as a homeschooler?

  • Do I have visits from government moderators?

  • Do I have to create or buy a learning program that mets the Australian Curriculum Standards?

  • Is my child taught by qualified tachers through a registered school?

  • Do I have to keep records of lessons, learning progress, time allocations and assessments?

  • Am I part of a registered school?

With over three decades of experience, ACHS supports over 800 families across Australia and overseas.

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